Atlas Kazemian


I’m a first-year PhD student at Stanford University co-advised by Dr. Laura Gwilliams and Dr. Dan Yamins. I’m broadly interested in questions at the intersection of neuroscience and computer science, particularly how the brain transforms continuous sensory input into higher-level discrete symbols and how these principles can inspire the development of more powerful AI models.

Prior to this, I completed my Masters in Cognitive Science at Johns Hopkins University, where I worked with Dr. Michael Bonner on understanding the representations and algorithms of primate visual cortex by studying the properties of high dimensional untrained vision models.

I received my bachelor’s degree in Integrated Engineering from the University of British Columbia.


[Apr 2024]     I am honored to be named a Stanford School of Humanities and Sciences Dean’s Scholar!
[Apr 2024]     I’m honored to have been awarded the Stanford EDGE Fellowship in support of my graduate studies and research!
[Apr 2024]     I will be starting my PhD in the Fall at Stanford University co-advised by Laura Gwilliams and Dan Yamins.
[Aug 2023]     Our lab will be leading a tutorial session on a high dimensional view of computational neuroscience at CCN 2023. Check out our tutorial website!
[Aug 2023]     I will be presenting my research on learning-free high dimensional models of visual cortex as a poster presentation at CCN 2023.